Sunday, January 16, 2011

so busy!

So we've been busy all weekend. Library trips, some shopping, girl scouts cookie rally, visiting my parents, girl scouts tour of fire station, grocery shopping...etc. Anyway, updating hasn't been the top of my mind!

Starting with the library trip...Annabelle did the sweetest thing!! As I was checking the books out she and Elsie went over to the candy machine and turned the dials to see if anything would come out. Someone apparently left a skittle behind. Annabelle's face lit up. She pulled it out, showed me, then looked down at Elsie. I could see Annabelle's face turn sad as she handed it down to her sister. It was so, so, so sweet. But then of course Elsie dropped it. haha. But it's something I hope I remember forever....seeing Annabelle's face change from excitement to 'aww man'....and just the look of Elsie looking adoringly up at her big sister. It was amazing. So, I bought them their own handfuls of candy!

At the girl scouts cookie rally we went to yesterday Elsie cracked me up. It was a big open area so I let her run free. But there were a couple other troops there so I kept my eye on her. Toward the end of the rally I sat down to fill out a form. I started writing then realized 'uh oh....where's Elsie?' Then I heard a group of girls giggling. I looked and she had made her way to the bathroom, kept the door hanging wide open, and pulled her panties and tights down. The girls thought it was so funny. Another mom said she pulled her pants down, looked up at the big toilet, then back at all of them. She must have realized she couldn't do it alone.

Tonight Annabelle has been singing "Money ain't gonna buy me love" hahaha. She's close to having the right lyrics. She told us she can't get it out of her head.

In the grocery store I tied a piece of yarn to my belt loop and the other end around Elsie's wrist. I kept calling her a little doggie. She thought it was fun for awhile and I got a few comments on it. "good idea!" or whatever. She ended up wanting it off but I told her if she wants to walk she has to have it on. So hopefully this will help us in the stores from now on.

We're into the girl scouts crazy cookie selling. I hope we can meet our goal of selling 160 boxes ourselves. Annabelle is excited about it but I'm a bit nervous. I will keep you updated on those happenings!

One day Elsie and I were napping. She usually slides her hand up my shirt and feels all around. When she woke up from her nap I was laying on my belly. Without looking at me, she slid her hand up my shirt and under my bra. She felt all around and very softly said "boobies all gone." She wasn't at all concerned, just stating that they were gone. Apparently she thought I was laying on my back and she was feeling the front of my body. Bless her heart. It was incredibly sweet. She likes to tell me when she is "all done" nursing. She usually tells me "All done. Boobies sleep" and pulls my shirt down over top of them. How adorable is she?

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