Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The great fall

Elsie learned to go down the stairs by herself yesterday. She tumbled and FLIPPED down them today. It didn't take long to get that inevitable fall out of the way! It was awful. She was so scared. Annabelle was too....who saw the whole thing from the top of the stairs. She was going down on her butt. She has since been instructed to go down backwards on her knees. Let's hope there are no more falls!!

Annabelle had a snow day today. But since we played outside so much yesterday, we stayed in. She watched a movie, played with dolls, bossed her sister around, wrote a story, and played in a ball pit (I put all Elsie's balls in the tub. They loved it.)
Her story was in a "wordless reader" they get from school. It gives the book a title and pictures and you have to write the story. She did a great job and sounded all the words out. She loves when they send those home.

Today Elsie said one of her longest sentences yet. "Oh no! Daddy threw water at me!" OK that's 2 sentences but the second one is 5 words long. Pretty good. (He just splashed her as he was running her bath water.)

Annabelle has been so sweet. She yelled to me earlier that Elsie bit her nose. I believe they had been playing doggie. But before I could even address the situation I heard Elsie say "Saahh Sahh" (Sorry.) Annabelle said "Elsie you're the best sister ever!" Then told me how she had said sorry without anyone asking her too. She wasn't even mad over the nose bite anymore....which apparently wasn't a huge bite. She cracks me up.

Elsie likes to be different characters from Dora and Diego and tells us which ones we are as well. She is usually Diego or Alicia. Tonight she named herself Alicia, me as Diego, and Annabelle as Dora. When she wanted to get into the tub she kept right on with her game. She repeated over and over "Leeesie tub!!!" (Alicia tub) She was getting angry at us for not letting her get in right then and there but still kept calling herself Alicia. It was adorable.

I think Annabelle is hoping for school tomorrow. She gets a little bored when she is stuck inside all day. She is of that big girl age now! :D

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