Friday, June 4, 2010

"Plants for Sale!"

Chris cut down some unknown plant/weed the other day. First Annabelle took the branches and put them in a pot of dirt "planting" them. Tonight she decided she wanted to sell them. She stood out front yelling "plants for sale!!" for a while then came back in. She begged me to let her cross the street. She was convinced that if I let her she would be able to sell some to the neighbors over there. Finally we settled on her leaving branches on the neighbors porches. She must have left them on 10 different porches for free!!
Later she told me that they were for a quarter or a penny. But people had to come pick them up. There would be no mailing them. She also made a sign and taped it to her bedroom window, just to let people know she had some plants for sale. :) She is so sweet and acts just like my sister and I did.

Today Elsie said cracker for the first time. I gave her one while I was on the computer. She ate it and then was wondering around. She came back saying "caa cehh" over and over. I was just kinda like "yeahhh..." Then after a while she got mad and cried. Finally it clicked. She's saying CRACKER!! So I made a big deal about how good it was and gave her one :) Smartie pants.

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