Sunday, June 20, 2010

Slacking again

So it's been a while since I updated. We've been very busy :) We spent several days at Lakeside, Lake Erie this past week. It was a nice break and the girls had fun.
I've been attempting to remember a few funny things they've said or done to put here...
One day Elsie was looking at a board book and I commented on it being a board book. Annabelle said "this is NOT a board book." (she knows they are called board books and calls them that herself) and I told her yes it was a board book. She said "But it's not even boring!" haha.
Another day Elsie was nursing and Annabelle told her she was just borrowing those boobies from her. I just kinda frowned and she said "they were mine FIRST!!!" I cracked up and made sure she knew noooo they were MINE first. I let you both borrow them :D
Elsie seems to be getting more teeth...snotty and yucky. So that's been no fun, but otherwise she's as funny as ever. She still asks to go outside ALL DAY LONG....bringing us her shoes. Also I cannot even count or keep up with the amount of words she says. She is mostly at the level where I can tell her "say _____" a few times and she will attempt it.
One day I told her to hug me and she really, really squeezed. I told her how nice it was and to give me a kiss. She did and said "llllllllllove!" and it just melted me!! She knows I tell her that I love her after hugs and kisses but she said it before I even got a chance too. How stinkin' sweet!
Storytime has started and we've went to the lake once. So we're keeping busy! What fun summer is :P

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Plants for Sale!"

Chris cut down some unknown plant/weed the other day. First Annabelle took the branches and put them in a pot of dirt "planting" them. Tonight she decided she wanted to sell them. She stood out front yelling "plants for sale!!" for a while then came back in. She begged me to let her cross the street. She was convinced that if I let her she would be able to sell some to the neighbors over there. Finally we settled on her leaving branches on the neighbors porches. She must have left them on 10 different porches for free!!
Later she told me that they were for a quarter or a penny. But people had to come pick them up. There would be no mailing them. She also made a sign and taped it to her bedroom window, just to let people know she had some plants for sale. :) She is so sweet and acts just like my sister and I did.

Today Elsie said cracker for the first time. I gave her one while I was on the computer. She ate it and then was wondering around. She came back saying "caa cehh" over and over. I was just kinda like "yeahhh..." Then after a while she got mad and cried. Finally it clicked. She's saying CRACKER!! So I made a big deal about how good it was and gave her one :) Smartie pants.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No school

So since school is out, we've been hanging around relaxing for a while. It's been nice. Summer story time will be starting up soon and we will be going to the lake some days. Annabelle is liking the break but at times gets bored....already. She was asking me 10 billion questions yesterday (about vacuum cleaners) and I finally said "well thanks for asking 100 questions" And in complete seriousness she said "you're welcome" :D It was so sweet!

Elsie is napping at the moment. She just walked toward me, binkie in mouth, pulling a huge blanket behind her that she had pulled from the closet. Love that baby :)