Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Today Annabelle told me she wanted a tattoo. OK. Where does she want it? Her arm. ughhh. OK. What does she want? A dragon. haha ew.
Elsie got caught up on her shots today. You would never know it though. She's been great all day.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the baby pool going! She is going to LOVE it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's all starting...

Today while I was on the phone Elsie threw a craft jewel into the toilet. 10 minutes later she found a crayon and colored on the wall. A couple hours later she stuck a USB cord near by the outlet, touched the metal prongs of the computer charger sending sparks flying. She tripped the circuit. I didn't realize it was the circuit until later...AFTER I had ordered a new computer charger. Ohhhh boy. She's got us in for it.


Tonight went great. After Annabelle got out of school we had a "welcome to summer" party. We wore sunglasses and leis. She and Elsie got new sand buckets, shovels and a beach ball to share. Annabelle got new squirt guns, a new kite, and a hula hoop. We had fun and ate popsicles.

Annabelle was super cute at her graduation and super excited. She sang her songs really well. She made me melt watching her. She was just so super sweet!

They had to say their name into the microphone and say what they wanted to be when they grew up. I was anxious to see what she would say. She usually has at least half a dozen things she rattles off. She said she wanted to be a baker. :D So cute.

Afterwards we had some cake and gave her small presents. We're so proud of her. She went all school year without even getting a warning about her bad behavior. Good girl. And a smart cookie!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Tonight Elsie said love. My mom has been telling her "LOVE" every time she tells her goodbye. So when we say I love you, she could say love back. So I started doing it as well. Tonight I told her "I love you!!" then I said "Llllllove." she smiled and said it back!! It was so so super sweet. Almost like she knew what it meant!

Tomorrow Annabelle graduates preschool! It's a big day!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Big week!

Well this is a big week for Annabelle. She is graduating preschool Thursday. Then on Sunday she has her dance recital. I have a few surprises planned for her since she's done such a wonderful job in school and at dance. She is excited for both things!

Annabelle is reading more and more. She surprises me at times and will read stuff I'm typing or road signs. She can't wait for kindergarten already.

She has been full on nonsense as usual. During a bath she told my mom she had a really bad headache and didn't think they should wash her hair. My mom was giving her the "oh no! that's too bad!" and apparently she felt guilty. She said "Not really I just don't want to wash my hair." Freakin' turd!!

Elsie is amazing. Totally amazing. She's a MESS and into way more things than Annabelle ever was, but she is so smart. She is following more and more commands, asking for more things, and repeating more words. We can say something like "oh no, it got stuck!" and she will say "tuck!" or we can say "does Elsie want to do it?" and she will say "dooo it." She is so much fun and so friendly still. We went to a music festival all weekend and had to keep a close eye on her or else she would be with a stranger, trying to play. We get many comments on how sweet she is.

She does still throw major fits and bites a lot. She gets angry and just screams if she doesn't get her way. We just leave her alone and allow her to scream. It's a lot of fun :)

We took her to Children's hospital for a surgery consult for her hernia. It confirmed what we thought - she is fine to wait until age 3 at least. So hopefully it will close on itself before then. That was a relief.

They're so smart and healthy that it's hard to complain about a thing!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

More updates

And so it is offical. Annabelle can read! :) She is so smart. I'm embarassed to say I haven't worked with her as much as I should have. However, one night I read her a book (for the second time ever) and when I was done she asked if she could read it to me. I said sure and was expecting a bit she may have memorized here and there. She took her finger, placed it on the first word, and off she went. She read the whole book with very, very little help sounding things out. It amazed me! And so she's been reading beginner reading books for the past week now. She's sitting here with me reading parts of this that she can :D My big girl.

As for Elsie, she's running, still warming hearts wherever she goes, and getting into more stuff! She feeds herself now. When it's something she can't do alone I have to get another spoon and slide in bites. Such an independant girl!!

After her bath a couple nights ago she was still messing with the bottle of lotion (a favorite of hers) and I passed by the kitchen table, saw a small piece of garlic bread from dinner that was left behind, grabbed it, and threw it away. Then I sat on the couch. A minute later Elsie came in the room eating the garlic bread. I laughed and let her have it, but decided I better look in the trash to make sure nothing too gross was right on top. I looked in and saw the lotion she had been playing with! She switched out the lotion for the bread. haha. Turd. I had previously rescued things like crayons and such from the trash. There's been other incidents since as well. Toys and such thrown away. What a help!!

Annabelle is registered for kindergarten now. And she is nearing the end of her dance classes. She will have her recital at the end of the month. I am so excited for her. She does a great job in class!