Wednesday, April 14, 2010

There are no words...

So there really are none...none to describe what happened this morning. Elsie has diaper rash. I was letting her go diaperless to air that thing out! I went into the dining room to pick some things up and came back out to see her making a terrible face and spitting. I then saw her fingers were covered in something. I got closer to determine what it was. Poop. Everywhere, poop. I took her straight to the tub and washed her, drained the tub, and washed her again. Oh I can't imagine.....
Speaking of the diaper rash.. I told Annabelle Elsie's butt was raw. She got serious, looked up at me, and said "you mean it needs cooked?" :) What a sweet little thing!
They're both growing like crazy. Elsie officially walks all over. She constantly stops, waves and tells cars passing "BYE!" She also waves at people in public and tells them bye. All seem to just love it! She has one new tooth (finally) and another on the verge of breaking through.
Annabelle is glad to be back to school after spring break. She wrote her 2nd cousin (who is 15) a letter today. It said "Dear Colleen, I got a pet fish. I love spring. Annabelle" :D hehe how sweeeeeet?!?! She also drew a picture of the both of them rollerskating with helmets and elbow pads!
I promise I'm attempting to write more here. The purpose of it was that it's easier to keep up with, yet I still don't keep up with it.
Another sweet, sweet story that warmed my heart... We walked to the post office today. When we got there I was buying the stamps so I put Elsie down and she stood below me. There was a poster hanging with cat and dog stamps on it. Annabelle bent down and kept saying "Look Elsie there's a dog. Look another dog! And a cat!" Elsie loved it. She smiled and touched the poster. Then she just turned, looked right at Annabelle and brushed her cheek softly. It was such a sweet moment. I'm sure she was just thinking "wow my sister is so nice. I love her!" Annabelle thought so too because she giggled and said "I love you Elsie." I guess it was just one of those moments that a mother loves!!
They make everyday something special that's for sure.

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