Sunday, March 28, 2010


We had the girls party yesterday. It went well! They got so much stuff that I'm still trying to find places for it all! Elsie may be getting a new toy box soon!!
We've had lots going on, which is one reason I haven't been writing. Elsie is walking more and more, but also realizes crawling is still faster. She is blowing kisses and loving on us all. Baby dolls are her latest thing. While watching my cousins 3 month old baby, Elsie kissed her at least 30 times on the head until I made her stop! She also brought her a baby doll bottle and tried to feed her! She is SO sweet like that. She seems advanced in her thinking that way to me. Of course I am her mom though! :P She took a spill down a few stairs and is currently sporting a wonderful bruise on her forehead! :D
Annabelle is still cracking me up daily. The other day she was telling me a story from school and said what she was doing that day. Then she follows that with "MEANWHILE, the other girls were...." and I cut her off to ask "did you just say meanwhile?" haha. She used it correctly.
I can't believe Elsie is almost one and Annabelle is almost done with preschool. I am marking my calendar for kindergarten registration thinking "HOW did this happen??"
It's crazy how time can fly.

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